Check out some of the locations where we hold our tabtour teambuilding events in the 360 Panorama below.
Remember to download our brochure for our flagship teambuilding event at this location below the 360 Panorama.

Hong Kong Cultural Immersion
Race through Hong Kong’s urban hustle and bustle and discover the art of this modern city surrounded by nature and sea.
More Brochures from tabtourasia

Bangkok Cultural Immersion
Modern Bangkok offers new and old cultures in a single city. Navigate through megamalls and ancient village homes and temples to experience these contrasts in a fully interactive team building race through the city to compete against other teams.

Hanoi Cultural Immersion
Explore one of Asia’s oldest cities as you race through lively streets, parks, and ancient monuments in your Hanoi Team Building event.

Phnom Penh Cultural Immersion
Pattaya’s buffet of available activities takes this team building event through the city and by the beaches. Explore and compete in teams with our tab-based treasure hunt and feel the adrenalin rush.