With the continual expansion of globalization, communication all around the globe via ever-improving information systems are seeing more multinational corporations involved in increased trade and cultural exchange.
Due to this global interconnected environment companies are facing new hurdles, where communication can often be a challenge. Even with a shared language, misunderstandings and misinterpretations often occur due to ethical and cultural differences. This then leads to a poor organizational performance.
This is why multinational corporations need to prepare and train their staff with intercultural communication skills.
Tabtourasia provides intensive, interactive cross-cultural training programs designed to create an awareness of cross-cultural differences and how these differences impact the way we think, behave, communicate and do business with each other.
Our programs are based on research we conduct on a regular basis with multinationals operating in the Asian region. The purpose of this research is to identify what type of cross-cultural issues our clients are facing, so we can ensure that our programs effectively address their needs.
By no means is the following a full list, but they show some examples of issues we can help address in your work environment include:
- Helping our clients overcome issues related to the challenges of working in cross-cultural teams, such as communication problems, misunderstandings, and lack of trust, etc.
- Helping Western managers and technical experts working in Asia acquire a better understanding of the dynamics of working in Asia and show them how to adapt their behavior and management approach to a style more appropriate for the Asian cultural context.
- Develop local Asian talent who are aspiring to make a career in a Western multinational on how to overcome culturally based differences in thinking, behavior and approach to work, that may be blocking them from being effective in their professional roles when working in an international organization.
Download our training brochure below to learn more about our training programs.

Royal Flora Quest
Experience all this beautiful garden park has to offer with our activities based tablet guide. Play casually or against other teams for an adrenaline rush and positive team building results.
More Brochures from tabtourasia

Chiang Mai Cultural Immersion
Surrounded by mountains, and traditional Thai houses and culture, take your next team building event through Chiang Mai’s old city and surrounding area in a fully interactive team building event.

Bangkok Cultural Immersion
Modern Bangkok offers new and old cultures in a single city. Navigate through megamalls and ancient village homes and temples to experience these contrasts in a fully interactive team building race through the city to compete against other teams.

Pattaya Cultural Immersion
Pattaya’s buffet of available activities takes this team building event through the city and by the beaches. Explore and compete in teams with our tab-based treasure hunt and feel the adrenalin rush.